WAM Needs Your Help!

Waste Action Maleny (WAM) is made up of a small group of volunteers working to find local solutions to the global waste crisis. We’re inviting you and all interested members of the Maleny community to join us for a WAM Action Planning Session on:
Saturday 25 February, 10:00-11:30am
Verandah Room (at back of Maleny Community Centre)
Morning Tea will be provided.
To book your place your place at this free event please sign up here.
We need your help with current projects and activities, and we welcome your ideas and participation in new projects and activities.
Current WAM projects and activities for 2023:
WAM Information Booth – requires 3+ people to help transport, setup, breakdown and chat with the public. We need a roster of volunteers who can help with this.
Seed & Produce Swap – set up and run by Soul, 2nd Saturday of each month. More info about help Soul needs in this Newsletter.
‘Waste 2 Art’ Competition – a generous benefactor is making it possible for us to hold an art competition with prize money. We’re hoping artists, creative folks and art lovers can become involved and make this happen.
Earth Day April 22 – presentation by waste educator Sandie Johnston, and possibly other activities depending on interest.
Sustainable Futures Expo – we hope to be involved with this again this year (date tba).
Social Media Help – maintaining and contributing to our Facebook pages, website, newsletter and assistance with developing and publishing new info & educational materials.
New Project ideas include (but are not limited to):
Salvaged Fabric Sewing Project & Fashion Parade/Display
Creating & Promoting a Plastic-Free Maleny campaign – perhaps in collaboration with Maple St Co-op and/or other community groups.
Create a large Soft Plastics Sculpture (to highlight our overuse of soft plastics).
Helping develop a grant proposal for a Maleny Community Battery under the new Federal Govt Community Battery scheme.
Develop a WAM youth group and projects.
Develop a WAM app to assist householders to calculate their waste and carbon emissions and suggest ways to reduce or eliminate them.
Develop projects to help facilitate waste reduction/elimination in local enterprise – eg BYO takeaway containers and coffee cup schemes.
Film screenings, speaker and presentation events re waste and recycling, transition, permaculture, plastics/energy/food waste reduction, circular economy, rethinking consumption etc.
If you need more information, email us: wasteactionmaleny@gmail.com